Erectile cheap cialis: what Astrology, Yoga, and the Chakras teach Us
©2010 by Maggie Yanor, (
When Pluto—the planet of sex and secrets—was in Sagittarius—the sign of straightforward talk—erectile cheap cialis began to get a buzz in the press. We’ve been bombarded ever since with newspaper, television and SPAM advertisements about it. The ads promote the sale of pills that supposedly heal this physical problem. The medications offer terrific results and promise that your life will be changed for the better.
Pluto is in Capricorn now, a sign that supports traditional views and “the establishment,” –in this instance, the medical establishment as well as the wealthy pharmaceutical companies. Mainstream medicine supports the separation of mind, body and soul that is the true reason for this particular dysfunction. It only addresses symptoms and never the real problem.
While ED medications may help the body work physically, the real issue of being blocked emotionally is never really addressed. As we’ll see later, unless the underlying blockages and attitudes that create ED change, these medications can wind up causing even more physical problems.
The Chakra System and how it Relates to ED: We have a series of energy centers, better known as chakras in our body, linked together by the spinal column. When we have issues to deal with, those issues affect our chakras. If we don’t deal with those issues, eventually they will manifest in the physical body. Usually physical problems begin between the ages of 35 – 42 years of age. The heart chakra, in the area of the actual physical heart, is the main area related to ED. Yoga is a great tool for noticing these chakra issues and realizing what needs to be done. Yoga teachings recognize that we have a huge amount of unbelievable power at our disposal that we do not have the maturity to use until after 35.
How Kundalini Blockages Contribute: At around 35 to 36 years of age, our kundalini energy begins to rise. It lies like a curled serpent at the base of our spine, then travels from the base of the spine up to our crown chakra at the top of the head, and then out to the universe where we’re all connected.
If the kundalini energy is stopped at a chakra, it means that emotional issues around that chakra have not been worked out. If we don’t deal with issues, if we think that blaming others for the problems in our lives is fine, physical symptoms will begin to show themselves. In erectile dysfunction, usually the energy tries to rise but becomes blocked at the heart chakra, which is located right under the bottom of where your ribs join. The heart chakra rules love, compassion, and sharing.
The heart chakra is the key to keeping the kundalini open. In order to do so, men must become more like women by sharing their feelings, being compassionate and more loving. There has been so much conditioning of men to be heartless, logical and dispassionate. It’s a struggle for them to turn it around. I have spoken to large groups of women about this and the response is always the same. Men who suffer from ‘not getting it up’ keep to themselves and never share their feelings (Opinions are not the same as feelings!)
During the kundalini opening, men must look for the good around them. So many men who suffer from decreased potency will begin searching for the woman who can turn them on. Finding another woman is not the answer. The answer is within.
Kundalini and the Planet Uranus: The stars do affect us. When a kundalini blockage becomes urgent, any astrologer can figure out what to do by watching the planet Uranus. Transiting Uranus begins to oppose natal Uranus as part of the midlife cycle of planetary aspects around the age of 36.This is the time when the kundalini energy is triggered.
Uranus rules the sign Aquarius and is the planet of technology, intellectualism, separateness, and detachment. When transiting Uranus opposes natal Uranus, there’s a point when Uranian traits like detachment and the rational, scientific way of thinking have gone too far. They’ve cut us off from our feelings and shut us away from real connections with one another.
The Uranus opposition says, ‘all right now, put away the games and begin to really relate to each other.’ By that age, many Uranian types—including Aquarians—have spent so much time exploring in the mind and outside the body that it’s hard to change gears overnight and go within. That’s why this part of the midlife cycle can be such a challenge and why symptoms like ED can appear.
ED—the Symptom, not the Problem; Why Pills don’t really solve it
When the kundalini energy rises and becomes blocked at the heart chakra, it returns back down the spine to the root chakra and that’s when some men begin to experience erectile dysfunction. There are always emotional issues before we experience physical problems. If the heart chakra issues are not worked out, eventually the physical heart will cause them problems.
Being physically fit can help, but will only delay the problem. The man who coined the term ‘jogging’ wrote a book on it years ago. It became the rage, and I remember seeing this very large coffee table book placed prominently in all the book stores. The author was extremely fit, but died of a heart attack while jogging at the age of 42. Hmmm!
I have talked to so many women whose fathers, brothers, uncles or grandfathers have all had heart attacks. Some died, some had a second chance. All of them could not share their feelings before the attack, because they were hard-hearted, and some were just so closed off. When a man does suffer a stroke or heart attack, usually his life changes. He will cry more (as opposed to never, a good sign that the heart is open) because events and the situations of others will touch him more. He can become more thoughtful. Why go through a heart attack?
Medications which force energy up the body in order to have an erection sound great, but if the heart issues are not faced and changed, a heart attack can still be the outcome. Without your emotional engagement with your heart, the constant forcing of kundalini energy through the heart chakra will have dire consequences.
I asked a doctor once about problems with ED medications. He said there have been far more deaths due to side effects than we are allowed to know about, but the information has been suppressed by powerful, wealthy pharmaceutical companies.
WARNING: Taking pills to create an erection is like being given a black belt in martial arts without the training. As long as you never fight or spar, you’ll be fine. However, a couple of good fights and you’ll be on your ass or worse.
How Can a Kundalini Blockage be Healed?
If your heart chakra is blocked, begin to open up, send love to those you know and those you don’t know at least every day. You will feel great and your heart chakra will begin to open. Be honest, see the good in your life and whatever you do, throw your heart into it. Be passionate. Share, share, share your feelings, not your opinions. Of course you must feel safe when you open up.
Other Alternative Methods: Yoga, especially kundalini yoga, will specifically help to open your chakras. The exercises are designed to help you operate from your heart.
Tai Chi works with unblocking your energy flow in your body. Qui Jong is an old healing art and very little work will make you sweat and help clear blocked energy. Reiki is gentle, yet useful tool for figuring out which traumas have lingered and are still in your body. Book a Reiki session for yourself before signing up for classes.
Rolfing is a form of deep tissue massage. It’s a rough, yet effective way of locating body-held stress and past emotional issues and of releasing them.
Meditation—How to Send Love: Locate your heart chakra (under the bottom ribs), close your eyes and picture a white light leaving your heart chakra and going to someone else’s. Do this for 5 minutes. Send love to any and everyone you can think of. I used to do this exercise in downtown Edmonton. I would send love to everyone I saw for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, I was so happy that nothing could throw me off for the day.
All of these therapies and exercises are great for helping unblock the heart chakra. Love is the only way to change the situation. The Beatles were right. All you need is love!
About Maggie:
I have a double major in Psychology and Sociology for U of Guelph and a diploma in Social work from Centennial College. I graduated with a B.Ed from the University of Calgary. I have always been interested in everything mystical, psychic and metaphysical, so I threw myself into Astrology. I worked on radio and television stations across Canada but exspecially in Edmonton. I have worked as a family support worker, a counsellor, teacher, tutor, a yoga and astrology teacher. I worked with people with addictions, abuse issues, brain damage, autism, schizophrenia, developmentally delays. I studied Tibetan meditation with a man who studied with monks in Asia. I met the Dalai Lama and George Chuvalo, I drank with a Russian national hockey team. I sat and discussed astrology and love with gangsters and their dimwitted girlfriends. I did charts for police, gangsters, strippers, politicians, odd couples, weddings and everybody in between. And, I had six children ( yes, of my own!).
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